José got his car, “wheel chair”. He had a smile on his face, impossible to turn upside down. It's so easy for him to be happy. I believe being happy is easy, you just got to choose to be. José has made the choice which makes him fun to be around. He and Maura have been a blessing to me. and now they can see the world! or some near by parts of Maceió. there attitude was close to world travelers though. it's been a long time since José has left his home. I don't know how long it was that he's been cooped inside but before we started bringing him to church it had been a long time.
Transfers happened yesterday, I stayed with Elder Vasconcelos, I have 2 areas for one year. that's not much, it's funny cause 5 missionaries have come and gone in this area while I’ve stayed. It's good though, I've gotten real integrated with the ward, if it weren't for the name tag I'm sure I'd be recognized as a member by now. In fact I know the names of everyone here better than I did at my home ward.
I'm so thankful for all the support I've gotten. Thanks thanks thanks grateful. I've said it a million times I love it here, not so much the medical service haha, I truly do though I've learned a new culture, language and just everything else good that comes with Brasil. I haven't learned everything I lied, but a lot. it's a different world here, a lot of good people. ha maybe I just answered
jack johnson's question.
I send you all my love
Elder Williams